Sonia Gomes: I Haunt the World with Beauty

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Sonia Gomes: I Haunt the World with Beauty, organized by Paulo Miyada, presents an overview of the artist's work composed of pieces from important art collections in Brazil and worldwide. Additionally, the reader is introduced to the artist's more intimate sphere of production through her sketchbooks, poems, and a reliquary section composed of objects, stories, and creations that go beyond the realm of visual arts. The book includes essays by Leda Maria Martins, Jina Jimenez Suriel, Michael Wellen, Paulo Miyada, and Sidarta Ribeiro on the artist's work.

Sonia Gomes: I Haunt the World with Beauty
Sonia Gomes: I Haunt the World with Beauty
Sonia Gomes: I Haunt the World with Beauty





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