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Yellow Bastard

YELLOW BASTARD is a work of science fiction attempting to affirm love in times of extreme hate. The play, directed by Liberano and Andreas Gatto, tells the story of a forty-something lawyer who suddenly discovers himself as an alien with entirely yellow skin. The monologue has a scene proposition based on the actor’s body and expression, aiming for “a performance marked by exaggeration, using caricatures and a hyperbolic comical tone”, as Gatto explains. In the book, two texts are presented side by side: Liberano’s narrative in prose and the dramaturgic text, as performed by the actor Marcio Machado, only exposing the words that are said, composing a specific drawing throughout the pages, offering spaces and gaps, making each word even more important, marking its exact place in space.

About the author
Diogo Liberano was born on October 15th 1987, in Vassouras, Rio de Janeiro. He is an actor, director, playwright and theater producer, holding a degree in Performing Arts: Theater Direction from UFRJ, where his company Teatro Inominável was born in 2008. He has a master’s degree from PPGAC/UFRJ and a doctorate in Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity from PPGLCC/PUC-Rio. He is also a professor at the CAL Performing Arts College and coordinates the Núcleo de Dramaturgia Firjan SESI. Amongst his main dramaturgical works, some highlights are Sinfonia sonho (Dream Symphony), 2011, Primavera leste (East Spring), 2012, Maravilhoso (Wonderful), 2013, O narrador (The Narrator), 2014, Inquérito (Inquiry), 2015, Os sonhadores (The Dreamers), 2016, and Janis, 2017. His work as a director, playwright and curator has been nominated for the biggest theater awards in Rio de Janeiro: Shell, Cesgranrio, APTR and Questão de Crítica.

About the company
Teatro Inominável was born in 2008 at the UFRJ Performing Arts: Theater Direction department. It’s currently composed of artists, researchers and producers Andrêas Gatto, Clarissa Menezes, Diogo Liberano, Flavia Naves, Gunnar Borges, Laura Nielsen, Márcio Machado, Natássia Vello and Thaís Barros. In its ten years, it has put on three editions of the performing arts festival Mostra Hífen de Pesquisa-Cena, as well as the following plays and performances: Não dois (Not Two), 2009, Vazio é o que não falta, Miranda (We Don’t Lack Emptiness, Miranda), 2010, Como cavalgar um dragão (How To Ride a Dragon), 2011, Sinfonia Sonho, 2011, Concreto armado (Reinforced Concrete), 2014, O narrador (The Narrator), 2014, poderosa vida não orgânica que escapa (the powerfull inorganic life which dows not escape), 2016, Nada brilha sem o sentido da participação (Nothing Shines Without the Meaning of Participation), 2017, dentro (inside), 2019, and YELLOW BASTARD (2019). In its poetics, Inominável investigates the various connections between theater arts and performance, attempting to consider, rethink, write and rewrite other sensibilities for the affective and sociopolitical interaction of individuals in society.

About the collection
The Dramaturgia collection has, since 2012, published writing by Brazilian and international playwrights. The books help in building a memory of current theater, making a new record in the contemporary theater scene. In 2015, Cobogó also launched Dramaturgia Espanhola, the Spanish collection, and, in 2019, Dramaturgia Francesa, the French collection. Over 70 authors have been published, with 82 titles.

Collection Dramaturgy Collection
Author Diogo Liberano
Language Portuguese
Page count 176
ISBN 9788555910845
Format Softcover
Size 13 x 19 cm
Year 2019

Yellow bastard | Yellow Bastard
Yellow bastard | Yellow Bastard
Yellow bastard | Yellow Bastard
Yellow bastard | Yellow Bastard
Yellow bastard | Yellow Bastard
Yellow bastard | Yellow Bastard





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